Jun 02

viaSport Return to Sport Restart Guidelines June 1, 2021

viaSport Return to Sport Restart Guidelines June 1, 2021

On June 1 viaSport updated its guidelines for Return to Sport in BC, which has implications for the practice of Aikido. This will be a "living" document that is expected to change rapidly as BC progresses with its restart of sports and recreation. Some…

May 17

BCAF Pub Night May 28th Kawahara Shihan in Memoriam

BCAF Pub Night May 28th Kawahara Shihan in Memoriam

The upcoming BCAF Pub Night will be a special gathering devoted to remembering and honouring Kawahara Sensei.  June 2 will be the 10th anniversary of his passing, and we will gather to hear and tell stories of our teacher.  You are still very much…

"Aiki is not a technique to fight with or defeat the enemy. It is the way to reconcile the world and make human beings one family."

- O’Sensei