Osawa Shihan Seminar in Vancouver - schedule announced

October 28-30, 2022
Vancouver West Aikikai is honoured to host this year's CAF fall seminar with Osawa Sensei (8th dan, Hombu Aikikai). The seminar is planned for October 28-30, 2022, at the VWA Dunbar dojo (Immaculate Conception Parish gym, 3778 West 28th Avenue, Vancouver). The schedule is below.
10/28, Friday | 10/29, Saturday | 10/30, Sunday |
7:30 - 9 pm: class by Osawa Sensei | 9:30 - 10:30 am: warm-up class by a designated instructor | 9 - 10 am: warm-up class by a designated instructor |
10:45 am - 12:15 pm: class by Osawa Sensei | 10:15 am - 12:15 pm: class by Osawa Sensei | |
12:15 - 1:45 pm: lunch break | ||
1:45 - 3:15 pm: class by Osawa Sensei | ||
3:30 - 4:45 pm: dan testing by Osawa Sensei & EC members | ||
6 pm: banquet |
Dan Testing: Approval to take a Dan test must be requested at least one month in advance of the testing date. Click here for more information.
Tests pour ceinture noire (Yudansha): L’autorisation de passer un test Dan doit être demandée au moins un mois avant la date du test. Cliquez ici pour plus d’informations.
Fees: Early registration (before 10/10/2022): Full seminar $180; Sat & Sun $150; 1 day (Sat or Sun) $100; Fri only $40. Late registration (10/10/2022 or later): Full seminar $216; Sat & Sun $180; 1 day (Sat or Sun) $120; Fri only $48. The concession rate for under 18 year-olds and full-time students is 50% of the regular rates (early/late) posted above: full seminar $90/$108; Sat & Sun $75/$90; one day (Sat or Sun) $50/$60; Fri only $20/$24. NOTE: We prefer the fees to be paid by electronic transfer to pay2vwa@gmail.com; if you wish to pay by credit card (via PayPal), a 5% extra will be added to the posted fees to offset the PayPal processing fees.
More details to follow.