Shihan Appointments

Presentations made at CAF Summer Camp in Calgary, June 25, 2023 LtoR: Macphail, S.; Loo, A.; Osawa, H.; Barnes, J. (P. Fortin not in attendance)
The CAF has recently announced the appointment, by Hombu Dojo, of four new shihan in Canada.
"The following senior Canadian Aikido Federation instructors have been appointed the honorary title of Shihan by Aikikai Hombu Dojo, Tokyo:
Mr. Alex Loo, 6th Dan
Mr. Jim Barnes, 6th Dan
Mr. Pierre Fortin, 6th Dan
Mr. Scott Macphail, 6th Dan
Please join us in congratulating our senior members for a lifetime of dedication to aikido and our community!"
What being appointed Shihan means:
"‘Shihan’ or ‘Master Instructor’ is the highest honourific title in Aikido. This title is granted by the Aikikai Foundation (Hombu Dojo) at the request of a recognized organization such as the CAF, and it applies only within the organization. A ‘Shihan’ is an Aikidoka of at least 6th Dan, who has been at that rank for a minimum of 6 years, and who has been a shidoin for at least two years." https:// shihanshidoin/